Bitcoin Word of God

Pay It Forward

This page is provided to show you WHY and HOW you can relieve your financial stress by giving away this website and eBook.  First you should have read everything on this website in order to understand the mission.

Let’s address the elephant in the room.  I hear these two questions or statements ALL the time when trying to engage ministers and others on how to create a respectable income while ministering.

  1. Are you sure it is right for you to profit distributing the Bible? 
    • If they had read the Numbers Link above I doubt they would have asked that question. 
    • Those ministers who are still not sure, I challenge you to provide the proof you should be standing at the back of your church collecting the funds.
  2. I cannot do a program like this because they are perceived as a scam, I worry all my members will be fighting over signing everyone else up, I do not have time to tell others.
    • This is not a scam but backed by a STRONG Christian company with technology that is changing the world. Do a little critical thinking and research before voicing a lack of knowledge question.
    • Visit the product website and visit the business link on how to work with nonprofits by using a proxy.
    • I do not want you SELLING PRODUCTS.  I want you to donate for incredible products to be given away to those in need.  Everyone else will do the same.
    • You can spend your entire time telling people to go to the website to download a free copy of the Bible.  The website and eBook do all the work.

Here is the main problem with nonprofits.  They have no problem asking the same people to give over and over again with limited success because the client receives nothing tangible in return.  Tangible meaning soon after walking out the door they forgot why they gave.  Just engage a few dedicated leaders giving away this website and eBook willing to donate $100 a month for products to give away. They will make their own income and donations for the nonprofit, and you will not need to beg them to donate again.

Below is the plan for those looking for income while distributing this eBook and the Bible while providing product to those in need:

  1. Visit this Sponsor Link then go to the bottom of the page and join as a Member where is says "Free Membership".
  2. Purchase one of the $100 Essential Packs to find out what the product is about.
  3. Set up a recurring $350 Quarterly Combo scheduled for quarterly delivery starting the first of the next month.
  4. Set the Shipping Address of the quarterly product to your church or other charity having people in serious need.
  5. Tell everyone to do the same; join as member, set your initial order, set up a quarterly donation, brand and distribute this eBook linking to the Verified Bible.
  6. Visit this webpage if you want to know how it works:

Warning:  These are the rules to be blessed by this process. 

  1. The first $100 order can be shipped to you so you can understand the product and how it is used.
  2. Your Quarterly Shipment CAN NOT be for your personal benefit. This must be a true continuous donation and gift.  You cannot use it yourself or give it to immediate family.  You can give your personal Quarterly shipment to your church.  If you are a church you cannot give the Church Quarterly shipment to a member or administrator within your organization structure.  You must give it to anyone OUTSIDE such as a different church, homeless, hospital, or anyone else in need of the product.
  3. If you or your family want products personally, sponsor ONE family member under your position as a CUSTOMER.  Order all products for personal and family under this position and ship the products to the correct individuals.  You can set up multiple subscriptions for each member under this position.  A church should set up a PRP (professional retail program) position and order quantity product at discount to provide to members and those in need.  If a family or church member wants to take part in the pay it forward program and be blessed by the process, register them as a member and they will be blessed by following the SAME rules.

Additional Guidance
Not everyone will participate in the Pay It Forward.  Most will not.  But they will benefit by registering with you as a customer or member to get the benefits of the products.
Initial Goal

  1. Find three individuals who will follow the rules above.
  2. Teach them to find three each who will follow the rules.
  3. Teach them to TEACH others to all find three who will follow the rules.

Once you have done the above start another group of three and teach the process again.
If you are blessed with the gift of finding many customers, consider giving them away to others in your organization to help bless them.  They will make 25% of the orders and you will still make 3%.  If the customer later becomes a member, both of you will make 7% of the orders.


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